REscue Dog Kasper
The brave survivor from Moldova
In March 2023, the team of Doctor Vet Moldova – our partner in Moldova – received a desperate call asking for help with a dog in need. It was quite far away from Chisinau, hence why Doctor Vet was not notified earlier. But when they heard the story, they knew there was no moment to lose and jumped in their car.
Vlad – founder and director of Doctor Vet Moldova – and Stepan – a very experienced assistant – went to the scene. When they arrived, they saw a white dog with wire tied around his mouth, making it difficult for him to breathe.
A critical moment
Before Vlad and Stepan intervened, volunteers tried to catch the dog for almost a month to help him. Fortunately, Vlad and Stepan managed to sedate him with a blowpipe. It was the only way to catch the poor dog and help him out of his misery.
However, since the dog was challenged with eating and breathing for nearly a month, his system was weakened, and he went into respiratory arrest. Thankfully, our experienced partner started artificial respiration immediately and gave him a second chance in life. After a little while – although it felt like ages – the breathing was restored!
Kasper's second chance
The dog, whom we named Kasper, was brought to our partner clinic where we started immediate treatments. While on the spot, they could remove a part of the wire around the mouth. At the clinic, the bottom part had to be removed under anesthesia. He could open his mouth a little bit to eat and breathe, but even now, months later, the scars of the wire are still visible on his snout.
Not only had the wire caused difficulties for Kasper, but during the examination the team also discovered problems with his heart and liver, as well as an old fracture on his front paw. We can only guess what Kasper had to endure in his life. Luckily months of good care and treatment helped Kasper to completely recover, and only the scar on his snout reveals his hard past.
His character never suffered from all that he has been through. Although it was an adventure to catch Kasper, once he was in our arms, he opened his heart to us. We think Kasper was an abandoned pet, but we will never know for sure. What we do know, is how active, friendly and funny he is! Kasper loves attention, playing, and walking on a leash. As long as he is surrounded by people and other dogs, he is the happiest fellow in the world.
We will look for a local home for him, and we are sure he will make a family as happy as they will make him.
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