Press Corner

Welcome! Here you can find our latest press releases, updates on missions and rescues as well as contact information. 

FOUR PAWS In the news

March 2025 Highlights, Puppet Lamb Chop Speaks Out About 'Horrific' Practice Wool Lambs Endure (Exclusive)
GeoBeats, The Rescue Story of Bear Chinh (via Instagram)

February 2025 Highlights
VegNews, Will Bird and Swine Flus Cause the Next Pandemic? Why Experts Say Yes
Table Magazine, Is There a Good Foie Gras Alternative?

January 2025 Highlights
The Sierra Sun Times, Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Opposes Fix Our Forests Act – To Be Heard Tuesday in U.S. House of Representatives

2024 Highlights 
Yahoo News, Pandemic treaty talks round wrapping up without a breakthrough
 5.06M MSN, ‘You are supporting criminal gangs by buying your puppy online’
 One Green Planet, Thousands of Chinchillas Face Slaughter Before Romania’s Fur Farming Ban
FashionUnited, Mango to cut mulesing from value chain
World News, Sustainable fashion: the call to end cruelty in wool production
Yahoo News, Ending Vietnam's dog meat trade, from puppy-fattening farm to shelter
USA News Hub, South African tiger farms illegally smuggling body parts, says charity
The Epoch Times, After 40 Years of Performing in a Circus and Being Trapped in a Zoo, Duma the Elephant Is Finally Free
Coin Market Cap, Eradicating the Cruel Dog and Cat Meat Industry: A Step Towards Compassion and Public Health
People, Rescue Bears Treated to a Fancy, Custom Meal Made by a Pro Chef to Celebrate Acing Hibernation (Exclusive)
MSN, How do you get a grumpy 4-ton elephant to a new home 120 miles away? Call the elephant movers
Forbes, Eco Chef Gives Rescue Bears At Sanctuary The Fine Dining Treatment
One Green Planet, Historic Release of South Africa’s Last Zoo Elephant 
Green Matters, Yum! Here's What the 2024 March Napness Champion Bears Eat
MSN, Charley the African elephant retires to freedom in the bush after spending decades in captivity (
Vice News, The Last Elephant in South Africa’s Zoo Was Freed After 40 Years of Captivity 
Inspire More, Pro Chef Treats Bears To Special Meal To Celebrate Their Expert Hibernation Skills
Yahoo News, Whoops, blooms and blue moons: Africa's top shots
Fashion United, Max Mara Fashion Group officially adopts fur-free policy
PR Daily, PR Daily announces 2024 Nonprofit Communications Awards finalists - PR Daily
The Epoch Times, 70,000 Sign Petition Against Banning Live Sheep Export Trade 
Yahoo News, Turkish stray dog law sparks opposition anger
NPR, Some Gaza zoo animals are displaced with their owner 
Substack, Factory Farms: Breeding Grounds for the Next Pandemic?
WGNA-FM, WARNING! Protect Your Dog’s Paws from Hot Pavement in NY

Our most recent press releases

Elephant Madhubala in front of her transport crate in Pakistan

Elephant Madhubala Reunites With Her Family After 15 Years of Separation

FOUR PAWS undertakes lifechanging rehoming and brings an end to zoo captivity of elephants in Pakistan

Group of lions and tigers

New Documentary Sheds Light on the Dire State of Big Cats Around the World

FOUR PAWS calls for renewed global efforts to protect their future existence

Stray cat eating food in Beirut

Aid Arrives in Lebanon for Starving Stray Animals and Shelters

Ongoing conflicts have left thousands of cats and dogs homeless and in need of lifesaving help

Chef Priyanka

Sleepiest Bear Competition Winners Celebrate with Victory Meal Made by Famed Plant-Based Chef

Rescue Bears, a.k.a. the “Dream Team”, Enjoy Dish from Award Winning Chef

Elephant Charley in South Africa

Freedom for Charley, the last captive elephant in South Africa

FOUR PAWS and EMS Foundation collaborate to transition Charley to retirement at Shambala Private Game Reserve


FOUR PAWS responds to premier of Chimp Crazy on HBO

A new opportunity to discuss the exploitation of exotic animal ownership

Slovakian tiger arrives at LIONSROCK

Tiger Cubs, Seized from Illegal Ownership in Slovakia, Arrive in South Africa

Snow and Sky can now recover at their new forever home

Read more


Please reach out to our US PR team for inquiries related to our press releases, interview requests, photo or film material, and media collaborations.

Claire LaFrance

Head of Communications


FOUR PAWS International

36 Bromfield St, Suite 410

Boston, MA 20359

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