supporter spotlight: Marla Bradley
Meet The Remarkable Woman Who Has Helped Create Global Impact
We are honored to launch our quarterly supporter spotlight on our website. This will be a dedicated place where we thank, and give special recognition to, the many men and women who help FOUR PAWS rescue animals around the world.
For our inaugural supporter spotlight, we are delighted to honor Marla Bradley for her generous, continued support of our work. Marla has been dedicated to our cause and is a loyal animal advocate.
Marla Bradley has supported FOUR PAWS since 2018. She first became involved in the Pride Society, our special monthly giving program, and is now a member of our Founder’s Society, our prestigious group of major giving supporters. Marla has shown support for our rapid response missions by attending a FOUR PAWS event honoring Dr. Amir Khalil and has graciously offered advice and helped spread the word about FOUR PAWS’ ability to go where no one else can go while saving those in dire need.
Tell us more about you. We’d love for our supporters to learn more about who you are!
I live in Massachusetts but I spent most of my life in Southern California. I spent most of my career as a consultant specializing in leadership development, team building, and facilitation of planning meetings. This provided me with the opportunity to travel around the world and gain perspective of other cultures.
My family has always advocated for animals and doing so is very important to me. My sister, parents and grandparents rescued animals, fed stray cats, and practiced TNR (trap- neuter- release.) We have always had pets and right now we have two rescue dogs and several cats.
How did you first find out about FOUR PAWS?
I saw a story on the news about animals being rescued from a zoo in a war zone. I was so shocked by the condition of the animals and the bravery, commitment, and skill of the rescuers that I felt compelled to donate. The newscast did not say who handled the rescue, but my sister found out it was Four Paws and we have been supporters ever since.
What interests you most about FOUR PAWS and why?
Four Paws takes the long- term approach…identify animals and issues, work with various international governments to make the rescue possible, provide needed medical attention, and place the animals in positive conditions to live out their lives. So many of the animals rescued are not the focus of other animal organizations.
What do you tell others about us? How do you describe FOUR PAWS to family, friends, colleagues?
I describe the work and the conditions that the animals face. Most people are appalled by what they hear. So many are unaware of bile bears, performing bears, the dog and cat meat trade… the list goes on and on. For gifts I always ask people to donate to animal organizations and Four Paws is one I mention.
Why do you give to our organization?
I strongly support the mission and believe the work of Four Paws is essential. If I win the lottery I’ll give much more!
In your opinion, what is the most pressing animal welfare issue right now? What is a cause that is dear to your heart?
I can’t pick just one. They are all critical issues. People and governments need to step up to rescue and protect animals. Children need to have empathy and care for animals modeled so they see their role in improving the lives of animals.
Tell me why you think we (you and FOUR PAWS) are making a difference in the lives of animals?
I read about the rescues and long term care. I know that the lives of animals are being changed and so many are still in need.
What are you looking forward to accomplishing with FOUR PAWS in 2021?
I’m looking forward to the wonderful work you are doing to be continued. Every rescue is a great success for animals.
Lastly, what is your favorite animal species?
A tough question. “All” would be my answer but I do love giraffes. As a diver, I also think manta rays are amazing.
If you would like to become a donor or be included in the Supporter Spotlight Series, please contact Jen Wessel: