2023 Rescues & Accomplishments
A look back at all we’ve achieved this year
As 2023 comes to a close, we look back proudly at all we’ve accomplished this past year, and we look forward to continuing our work towards a world where humans treat animals with respect, empathy, and understanding.
Here are some highlights from 2023:

Bear Mark
After 20 years in a cage, Albania’s last restaurant bear is finally free. Read more about Mark’s journey to BEAR SANCTUARY Arbesbach in Austria here.

Tiger Charlota
Charlota the white tiger was bred for her unique look and kept in inappropriate conditions as a pet. After her rescue, she lives at TIERART Wild Animal Sanctuary in Germany. Read more here.

Nearly 50 Animals in Sudan
In an emergency rescue mission, FOUR PAWS evacuated almost 50 animals from a conflict zone in Sudan. Read about the challenging rescue here.

Balcarce Tigers
Kept in inappropriate conditions in Argentina, tigers Fangio and Charly now live at our LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary in South Africa. Learn more.

Bear Na
Kept in a tiny cage for two decades, bear Na has shown amazing resilience since being rescued from the cruel bear bile trade, and she’s enjoying her new home at BEAR SANCTUARY Ninh Binh in Vietnam. Learn more.

Lion Vasylyna
Found roaming the streets of war-torn Kharkiv in Ukraine, the young lioness was rescued and brought to FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary in the Netherlands. She was recently introduced to another young lion, Nikola. Read more about Vasylyna’s journey here.

Tiger Ramba
Ramba, a white tiger cub was rescued from private keeping in the Czech Republic and brought to TIERART Wild Animal Sanctuary in Germany, where she will be reunited with her sister, Charlota. Learn more.

Sanctuary Care
When we rescue an animal, we care for them for the #RestOfTheirLives. In 2023, we provided a home and medical care for a total of 142 bears and 137 big cats in our sanctuaries. Learn more about our sanctuaries.

Emergency mission to Syria & Turkey
We saved hundreds of animals following the devastating earthquakes in Syria & Turkey. Learn more.

Flooding in Ukraine
FOUR PAWS donated pet food, medicine, and rescue equipment during the damaging floods in Ukraine. Read more.

2 Million Signatures to #ProtectMillions
Our petition to end the dog and cat meat trade in Southeast Asia reached over 2,000,000 signatures. You can add your name here.

Nike goes mulesed-free
We got Nike to finally “Just Do It!” and stop using mulesed wool. Learn more about this important milestone for farm animals.

Karachi Elephants
We continued our medical care for elephants Noor Jehan and Madhubala in Pakistan, and after Noor Jehan’s tragic passing, we continue to advocate for Madhubala’s relocation and reunion with her sisters. Learn more.

Tiger Mural
We partnered with artist Sonny Sundancer to paint a 3 story tall tiger mural in New York City as a part of our #BreakTheViciousCycle campaign.

Stray Animal Care
Our Stray Animal Care teams work all over the world, from Southeast Asia and India to South Africa and Eastern Europe. Read more about our stray animal care programs.

Advocating for Vets
We raised awareness for the mental health crisis facing veterinarians by launching an online campaign and participating on a panel at SXSW.

Our brave Ukrainian staff care for our bears at BEAR SANCTUARY Domazhyr every day, and we continue our stray animal care work throughout the conflict in Ukraine.

March Napness
In collaboration with our BEAR SANCTUARIES, we held our first ever March Napness hibernation competition and crowned bear Mascha as 2023’s sleepiest bear.

Lion Painting
We partnered with artist Sophy Tuttle to create a painting that advocates for big cats and celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act.

Dog Meat Restaurant Closure
FOUR PAWS worked with the Hoi An People’s Committee to successfully close a dog meat restaurant in Vietnam. Read more.

Helping Working Horses in Jordan
We continue to provide medical care for the working horses of Jordan. Learn more here.

Help for Bears in Azerbaijan
FOUR PAWS helped to treat 12 rescued brown bears at a rehabilitation center in Azerbaijan. Read more here.