Saving the prison Bears
Daring rescue targets 6 bears in desperate need
Finding and rescuing the world's neglected and abused bears is the cornerstone of our #SavetheSaddestBears effort. Over the last few weeks, we have identified more potential bears waiting in agony for their rescue.
We can now safely say that we are planning to rescue 6 more bile bears in Southeast Vietnam. They are being held at a ‘mega bear farm’, where the desperate bears are tortured and abused.
These bears, along with many others, have little to no food, shelter, or even names, each identified by a 5 digit number.
With your help, we will be able to bring the 6 bears to their new home at our BEAR SANCTUARY Ninh Binh. Here, they can finally recover from the horrors they had to endure. Your support will dramatically improve the physical and mental health of the abused bears.
These are their names: Chili, Hung, Coriander, Basil, James and Dill.
Your support will help make our biggest bile bear rescue yet a success. Such an undertaking is a team effort, and together we can change these bears’ lives forever.
Please DONATE NOW to help use rescue these 6 "Prison Bears".
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The Bile Trade
To extract bile, bears are first anesthetized under appalling conditions. Anesthetic is often administered unprofessionally or is too weak. As a result, the bears are subjected to incredible pain while they are still awake.
Next their gallbladders are located using an ultrasound and punctured with a needle through the abdominal wall.
After extraction, the wounds often become inflamed. Bears whose bile is regularly extracted suffer from painful abscesses, blood poisoning, or even cancer of the liver. In addition, their confinement in tiny cages leads to massive behavioral disorders and in the worst cases, self-mutilation.
FOUR PAWS experts have visited several bear farms and documented numerous cases of abuse.
Kept in cramped metal cages, the bears can’t lie down or stand fully upright. Some cages are so small a fully-grown bear can has difficulty turning around.