the truth about fur
Even a fur trim comes from extreme cruelty to animals
Whether a fur pom-pom on a hat, or fur collar or fur trimming on jackets and scarves, each tiny piece of trim is directly connected to cruelty to animals. The breeding of fur-bearing animals, as well as the setting of traps to produce luxury items or clothing, is never humane and goes against ethical animal welfare. Be it raised on a farm or hunted and trapped in the wild, the treatment of animals used for the fur trade is inherently cruel and causes enormous animal suffering.
Each year more than 100 million animals are killed by the fur industry. Minks, foxes, rabbits, and more suffer in tiny wire mesh cages on fur farms in Europe, Asia, and North America. On farms, the animals are unable to act out their natural behavior. This monotonous life leads to permanent stress, severe behavioral disorders, and self-mutilation. After a few months, the young animals on fur farms are killed in the so-called "fur harvest". They suffer an agonizing death by gassing, electrocution, or lethal injection.
Other species like coyotes, bobcats, lynx, beavers, raccoons, and "non-target" animals, such as dogs and cats, meet a cruel death caught in steel-jaw leghold traps, Conibear “kill” traps, and wire cable snares. They are often not killed immediately and can be left in agony for days.
Fur products are always based on animal suffering. Luckily, an increasing number of fashion chains rely on faux fur.
Want to make a difference for animals?
Join us in calling for an end to the cruel and deadly fur trade!
Animal welfare needs cannot be met on fur farms
The 2023 published report The Case Against Fur Factory Farming: a scientific review of animal welfare standards and ‘WelFur’ reveals the extent of animal welfare failings inherent on fur farms and highlights that the current regulatory framework for the protection of fur animal welfare in the European Union is inadequate. It also finds that the fur industry’s WelFur scheme is not able to address the major welfare issues for mink, foxes and racoon dogs farmed for fur and establishes that enrichment of existing housing systems is unable to address the welfare problems inherent in the cage systems used by the fur industry.
Trapping of wild animals
Trapping, too, is extremely brutal. In North America especially, coyotes, foxes and red lynx are caught using spring traps, snares and body-gripping traps. However, whatever animal first activates a trigger is trapped. Hence, trapping injures or kills countless dogs, cats, deer, and other animals. Trapped animals are often not killed immediately and may be left in agony for days.
Fur products are always based on animal suffering. Luckily, an increasing number of fashion chains go fur-free.
our demands...
- Fashion companies stop selling of fur products!
- Statutory bans on fur farming, as well as an associated import and trade ban on fur and fur products!
- Until a sales ban on fur is achieved: clear labelling of fur products regarding species, production method and origin so consumers can choose to object to animal cruelty in their clothing.
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