Factory farming

They suffer, we suffer

End animal-cruelty and prevent future pandemics

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Preventing the Pandemic of Tomorrow, Together

COVID-19 has taught us many things, and one of these hard-hitting truths is that we must improve the way that humans treat animals. As three-fourths of emerging human infectious diseases come from animals, the world’s leading scientists and experts have shown us the link between animal welfare and increasing pandemic risk. But the political will to curtail that risk is absent. We cannot let this happen – again!


Around the globe, 2020 stretched us all to our limits and we have now reached a pivotal point in society. But, these hard times have now given us a huge opportunity to change how we live and change the way animals are treated around the world. 

We cannot do this alone! Our Government holds the key and has the opportunity to make these changes. They have a chance to take bold action now to prevent future pandemics. Help us to tell the decision-makers this cannot wait any longer – they must use this pandemic as a turning point.

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Demand a world of higher animal welfare! 

Resetting our system for a better tomorrow

The world needs a reset of our relationship with animals. International institutions and national governments need to tackle the root causes of zoonotic disease emergence in a holistic approach which recognizes animal welfare as one major aspect in the prevention of pandemics and must take action to improve animal welfare. The One Welfare Framework could serve as a guiding framework towards treating our planet and all its inhabitants with more respect, care and compassion – for their sake and ours. The political response to prevent future pandemics must focus on making our farming and agricultural systems more resilient and banning practices that increase the risk of zoonotic disease emergence and spread, like the commercial wildlife trade, the dog and cat meat trade and fur farming.

Our demands 

Closing all fur farms


Closing all fur farms

It's time to end the cruel and deadly fur industry. The battery cage systems with cramped conditions cause immense animal suffering, create ideal conditions for viruses, and present a serious public-health risk.


Banning the commercial trade of wild animals


Banning the commercial trade of wild animals

The abuse of wild animals for human consumption, traditional medicine, and private keeping must end. We need to immediately close all markets that sell live wild animals to protect animals, ecosystems, and humans.  


Ending factory farming


Ending factory farming 

Farm animals are subjected to immense suffering and abuse. We need to end the cage keeping of farm animals, long-distance live animal transports, and all cruel practices that make animals sick or favor the spreading of diseases.Learn more here!


Reducing the global production and consumption of animal products


The global production and consumption of animal products

Mass animal consumption needs to be reduced by 50% by 2050. Please choose plant-based alternatives or at the very least make sure the animal products you buy originate from higher welfare production systems.Find our more!


Ending the trade and consumption of dog and cat meat



Ending the dog and cat meat trade is necessary to stop the immense cruelty to animals, help eradicate current zoonoses such as rabies and cholera, and prevent the real risk of future zoonoses emerging.
Learn more!


When animals suffer and endure cruelty, they are weakened and vulnerable, creating the perfect conditions for disease to spread between animals. Because there is so much exchange of disease between these animals, some pathogens develop the ability to jump to humans – and  have deadly consequences, just like we are seeing with COVID-19. When they suffer, we suffer!

All you need to know...

All you need to know...

About pandemics and the role of animals

Pandemic Prevention and Response

Pandemic Prevention and Response

Measures to prepare for and contain disease outbreaks

FOUR PAWS position papers on One Health & preventing pandemics

Free Range Hens

Together, we can make this possible

We can create a place where animals, the environment and people are treated better. Please join us and support our demands for a world of higher animal welfare! 


CUGH 2023 In-person Satellite Session

How the Pandemic Instrument Can Prevent Pandemics and Enable Equity

Pigs eating fresh grass

Sustainable Food Systems to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance

FOUR PAWS recommendations for improvement 

Chickens on broiler farm

Humans, Animals & the Health of the earth

Developing the international pandemic instrument


Animal Welfare and Preventing Pandemics

FOUR PAWS position papers on One Health  


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