Coalitions and Partnerships
FOUR PAWS is involved in many issues, collaborations, and partnerships.
From our office based in Boston, Massachusetts, we are pleased to be working closely with these amazing groups and causes below.
To learn more about our coalition work on U.S. legislation and government policies for animals, please visit our legislative work page here.
Heaven on Earth
FOUR PAWS and Heaven on Earth in California join forces to rehome rescued cats from the Vietnam. As a part of our Fight For Cats and Escape The Trade initiatives, for the very first time, we are bringing cat meat trade survivors to the US to find their forever homes.
Founded in 2000, Heaven on Earth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that has saved the lives of thousands of cats in Los Angeles by rescuing them from overcrowded shelters and directly from the streets. They adopt cats into new loving homes at their adoption center, Perry’s Place, named for Seth and Rachael MacFarlane’s mother, Perry, at local pet stores and through their foster care program. Their professional veterinary team provides high-quality on-site care to cats who are sick, injured, or in need of specialized treatment. In addition, they run the Heaven on Earth Veterinary Clinic and perform high-quality, low-cost spay/neuter services for owned and unowned dogs and cats and hold vaccine and wellness clinics for the public.
Heaven on Earth is proud to partner with FOUR PAWS in an international effort to adopt cats saved from slaughterhouses in Southeast Asia into new loving homes and raise awareness to help bring an end to the killing of cats for their meat in the region.
The Barking Lot
The Barking Lot in San Diego, California joined FOUR PAWS “Escape The Trade” initiative serving as the U.S. shelter for Cambodian slaughterhouse survivors.
The Barking Lot’s mission is to ensure every dog gets the life they deserve, and they believe that life is one where they thrive, forever. They provide caring foster homes for dogs in search of their forever homes. Their foster network is essential for these dogs as it gives them time to adapt to their new surroundings and learn how to live as a companion animal.
Since this partnership started in 2020, over 20 dogs have been flown to California and brought to the Barking Lot. These dogs were rescued from Cambodian slaughterhouses that FOUR PAWS closed and from a government seizure of dogs that were in transit to a slaughterhouse. All are now safe! Check on the status of these dogs here.
Although these “Freedom Flights” are on a small scale, this is just one tactic FOUR PAWS is using to help our local charity partners with the rescued dogs in Cambodia. While we know that cross-border adoption is not the only answer, it is a significant and effective step in working towards our goal of Ending The Dog and Cat Meat Trade in Southeast Asia.
Connect a Pet New England
FOUR PAWS partnered with this shelter and foster network in 2019 to house, treat, assimilate, foster and rehome 12 dogs rescued from the Cambodian dog meat trade.
Read about the rescue and transport of Boomer, Maddie, Gabby, Hope, Archie and Widget here.
Read about the story of the 3 puppies, Bates, Bene and Nicky, here.
Ban the Crates in new jersey
The Coalition to Ban the Crates proudly supports a NJ state bill to ban the cruel confinement of mother pigs in gestation crates and calves in veal crates.
Animal cruelty has no place in a civilized society, but sadly it is still legal in New Jersey to confine a mother pig and veal calf in a crate so small they are unable to stand up, turn around, and take more than one step forward or backward.
Thankfully, the coalition work was a success and this bill was passed and signed into law on July 26, 2023!
Defeat eats ACT
At stake in the federal 2023 Farm Bill is the right of all Americans to maintain local control over our food and farms.
The Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression (EATS) Act (S.2019/H.R.4417) aims to strip state and local governments of their right to make policies that protect our natural resources and environment, local farmers and ranchers, human health, improved animal welfare standards, and consumer health and safety through the food we eat. If passed, it would cripple states rights while furthering a handful of multinational corporations’ power to squeeze U.S. farms and put human health, animal welfare, and environmental protection at risk.
The Defeat EATS Coalition is a broad group led by the ASPCA, Farm Action Fund, Health Care Without Harm, NRDC, and several other groups who are all united to defeat EATS.
ban Wild Animals in Circuses in Massachusetts
This coalition of animal protection organizations is striving to pass state bill (S.2197/S.2189/H.3245), “An Act relative to the use of elephants, big cats, primates, giraffes, and bears in traveling exhibits and shows,” which will ban the use of these wild animals for traveling entertainment in MA.
The coalition is urging state legislators to support this bill, which currently resides in the Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development.
lights out in nyc
The Lights Out Coalition is a diverse alliance of organizations and professionals dedicated to protecting New York's wildlife and impacting change to benefit the interconnectedness of animals, humans, and the environment.
In 2021, the coalition helped pass “Lights Out NYC” legislation to save thousands of migrating birds from deadly collisions with buildings at night. The laws passed by the New York City Council require all City-owned and leased buildings to turn off non-essential outdoor lights from 11 p.m. – 6 a.m. during peak avian migratory periods, potentially saving up to 230,000 birds each year from becoming disoriented by the artificial lights and having deadly collisions at night into buildings with glass.
The 2024 bills would help further prevent thousands of bird deaths by: requiring privately owned commercial and industrial buildings to turn off non-essential lighting during the migration period; and require buildings with reflective and transparent surfaces to be equipped with decals so birds wouldn’t be confused by the reflections.
Endangered Species Act at 50
In addition to working closely with other organizations to protect the Endangered Species Act (ESA), one of the most successful conservation laws of our time, the ESA at 50 coalition is also celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Act in 2023. The ESA has saved and protected countless species on the verge of extinction in both the United States and around the world.
Protecting Species and biodiversity
One Million Species Coalition:
Organizations of all sizes - big and small, international and local are calling for the creation of a National Biodiversity Strategy for the United States.
Protect Biodiversity Coalition:
This diverse coalition of non-profit organizations is specifically urging the Biden Administration to protect biodiversity through a National Biodiversity Strategy.
Massachusetts Animal Coalition
The Massachusetts Animal Coalition (MAC) is a statewide, not-for-profit organization formed in February of 2000 to promote collaboration among those who work in animal welfare, both professionals and volunteers. The mission of MAC is to maintain a leadership role within the Massachusetts animal welfare community using sustainable, effective, and widely used forums for dialogue and strategic collaboration to reduce the number of homeless, neglected, displaced, and abused companion animals.
Fur Free Alliance
The Fur Free Alliance (FFA) is an international coalition of 40 animal protection organizations, FOUR PAWS included, that work together to end the exploitation and killing of animals for fur. The FFA represents millions of supporters worldwide.
FOUR PAWS USA is also an official US representative for the Fur Free Retailer Program, which is an initiative of the FFA.
National Council for Animal Protection (NCAP)
- Increase the visibility and public understanding of animal advocacy issues
- Increase public support to end animal suffering
- Elevate the status of animals as a mainstream issue in society
- Analyze the current status of the animal advocacy movement and strategize the best methods for advancing our work
- Enhance the professional skills of people working in the animal advocacy movement
- Facilitate respect, cooperation, and communication among member organizations
The Massachusetts Nonprofit Network (MNN)
- Promote the image of the nonprofit sector as efficient, effective, and essential
- Strengthen the nonprofit sector by engaging members in advocacy and affecting public policy initiatives
- Build capacity in nonprofits across the state
Citizens for Farm Animal Protection, (created for a 2016 Massachusetts ballot initiative, which passed!)
BALLOT INITIATIVE PASSED! FOUR PAWS is proud to be a member of this coalition that was created to support a 2016 statewide ballot measure that would phase out extreme confinement and lifelong immobilization of animals on factory farms as well as the sale of products produced under those conditions. The measure would ensure that certain farm animals are able to stand up, lie down, turn around, and extend their limbs by phasing out the extreme confinement of breeding pigs, veal calves, and egg-laying hens. Ten states have already passed laws to address these kinds of inhumane practices, and nearly 100 major food retailers—including McDonald’s and Walmart—are working with suppliers to make similar reforms in their food supply chains.
Among others, the coalition includes the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the Animal Rescue League of Boston, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, The Humane Society of the United States, Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association, Zoo New England, United Farm Workers, Center for Food Safety, family farmers, veterinarians, and public health professionals.