Rescue dog Happy in Cambodia

Community Guidelines

Please adhere to the following simple rules during discussion


Welcome to the FOUR PAWS community! 

We are thrilled to have you here as part of our global movement for animal welfare. This space is designed for open, respectful discussions where we can share ideas, feedback, and constructive criticism. Together, we can make a difference for animals!

By engaging with us, you agree to follow the community guidelines below to ensure this space is safe and welcoming for everyone.

What we encourage:

  • Respectful dialogue that tolerates different points of view and opinions
  • Suggestions, feedback, and ideas that can help improve our mission
  • Passionate involvement in our movement for animal welfare
  • Constructive discussions that stay on topic and lead to positive action
  • Comments relating purely to the topic communicated in the posting
  • Active participation in our campaigns – sign our petitions and share our content to create a world where humans treat animals with respect, empathy and understanding!

What we discourage:

  • Insulting, racist, sexist, or hate speech, as well as profanity, personal attacks, and harassment
  • Content violating copyright, containing false claims, or spreading misinformation
  • Political or religious advertising, self-promotion, or commercial offers for sale
  • Spam, including repeated or duplicated posts, off-topic or irrelevant comments
  • Sharing graphic animal cruelty photos, as they often spread misinformation and cause harm
  • Supporting individuals or organizations that promote animal abuse

We reserve the right to remove posts that violate these guidelines or are deemed inappropriate. Repeated violations may result in users being blocked. Each user is responsible for their own content, and FOUR PAWS assumes no liability for it.

If you see any content or comments that you believe violate these guidelines, please report them to the platform. Help us keep our community space safe!

Thank you very much for your commitment to animal protection. We look forward to hearing from you!


Stay up to date on this topic and on all FOUR PAWS activities on our social media channels: 

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